GOLDEN PIGLET buy annual 53 000 tons of cereals, micro and macro-components. From this quantity we are buying:

  • 40 000 tons of wheat and barley,
  • 2 300 tons sunflower cake,
  • 8 000 tons soya cake,
  • 300 tons of vegetable oil,
  • 2 500 tons of micro and macro-components like vitamins, premixes, fish mill, milk powder.

All cereals are being bought from the local Moldavian market, except the 2 500 tones of micro and macro-components that are being imported from abroad.
Starting from July, GOLDEN PIGLET company bay for making stocks of cereals of minimum 14 000 tons of wheat, barley  for the future consumption during winter and spring season. We are stocking the cereals in big silobags of 200 tons each and as well we have building storage capacity of 2000 tons. We have a good cooperation with many suppliers  by having a correct policy within payments, trustworthiness and by keeping the agreements that we are making.